Masuk Daftar

bentuk badan kereta bahasa Inggris

  • bentuk:    figure; form; format; help to bring about; lines;
  • bentuk badan:    physique; body shape
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical
  • kereta:    auto; automobile; car; carriage; mobile;
  • kulit dengan bentuk badan hewan:    equine leather
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical body; torso; consistence; trunk; eubstance; corpus; physical; anatomy; consistency; organisation; physical structure; corpse; physique; form; flesh; so
  • bentuk:    figure; form; format; help to bring about; lines; shape; versality; solid; configuration; contour; spring; variety; line of business; bod; human body; type; anatomy; take form; comprise; constitute;
  • bentuk t:    t-shaped
  • bentuk-bentuk pemogokan:    strike-forms
  • daftar bentuk-bentuk:    lists of shapes
  • kereta:    auto; automobile; car; carriage; mobile; motorcar; cars; cart; coach; handcart; passenger car; machine; elevator car; pushcart; go-cart; train; automotive
  • kereta s:    s-train
  • (badan) perwasitan:    court of arbitration
  • anggota badan:    limb; extremity
  • angkat badan:    pull-up (exercise)